EM algorithm: an exmaple with mixture probabilistic PCA
mixture probabilistic PCA
Consider a model \[x_i = \mu_k + W_k z_i + \varepsilon_k, ~~ if~y_{ik}=1,y_{ij}=0,i\neq j.\tag{1.1}\] where \(x_i \in R^p, z_i \in R^q, \varepsilon_k\sim N(0, \sigma^2_kI_p)\),\(z_i \sim N(0, I_q), W_k \in R^{p\times q}, y_i \sim Multinormial(1,\pi),\pi \in R^K\). First, it performs clustering, then conducts PCA. The following contents are divided into three parts:
evaluate full-data loglikelihood \(l(\theta)\);
take posterior expectation of latent variables on \(l(\theta)\), and obtain Q-function;
Maximize the Q-function.
Full-data loglikelihood
By \((1.1)\), we can obtain the complete-data likelihood for individual \(i\), \(P(x_i,z_i, y_i)=p(x_i|z_i,y_i)p(z_i|y_i)p(y_i)\), whose specific form is \[\Pi_{k=1}^K\{\pi_k f_{ki} g_i\}^{y_{ik}},\] where \[f_{ki}=(2\pi \sigma_k^2)^{-p/2}\exp\{\frac{-1}{2\sigma_k^2}\|x_i-\mu_k-W_kz_i\|^2\}, g_i=(2\pi)^{-q/2}\exp(-\frac{1}{2}\|z_i\|^2).\] The corresponding loglikelihood is given by \[l=\sum_{k=1}^K y_{ik} \{\ln(\pi_k) + \ln f_{ki} + \ln g_i\} \tag{1.2}\]
EM algorithm
The essential objective of EM algorithm is to maximize the observation likelihood. To deduce EM algorithm, we first calculate the posterior distribution of \((y_i, z_i)\) given \(x_i\) and parameters by previous iteration. Noting each \(y_{ik}\) is seperatable, we consider \[P(y_{ik}=1, z_i | x_i)=P(y_{ik}=1|x_i)P(z_i|y_{ik}=1,x_i)=R_{ik}f_{k}(z_i),\] where \(f_k(z_i)\) is the posterior distribution of \(z_i\) given \(x_i\) when \(y_{ik}=1\), \(R_{ik}=P(y_{ik}=1|x_i)=a_{ki}/(\sum_k a_{ki})\), where \(a_{ki}=\pi_k |C_k|^{-1/2} \exp\{-\frac{1}{2} (x_i-\mu_k)^T C_k^{-1} (x_i -\mu_k)\}\) and \(C_k= \sigma_k^2 I + W_k W_k^T\). By \((8)\) in Bishop (1999), we have \[f_{k}(z_i)=(2\pi)^{-q/2}|\sigma_k^2M_k|^{1/2}\exp\{(z_i-s_k(x_i)^T\sigma_k^{-2}M_k(z_i -s_k(x_i))\},\] where \(\sigma_k^2M_k^{-1}=\sigma_k^2(\sigma^2_kI_q+W_k^TW_k)^{-1}\) and \(s_k(x_i)=M_k^{-1}W_k(x_i-\mu_k)\).
We rewrite \((1.2)\) as the specific form, \[l_k=y_{ik}\{\ln(\pi_k) - \frac{p}{2} \ln(2\pi \sigma^2_k) - \frac{1}{2\sigma_k^2}\|x_i-\mu_k-W_kz_i\|^2-\frac{q}{2} \ln(2\pi)-\frac{1}{2}\|z_i\|^2\}.\] Omitting the terms independent of parameters, we have \[l_k = y_{ik}\{\ln(\pi_k) - \frac{p}{2} \ln(\sigma^2_k) - \frac{1}{2\sigma_k^2}\|x_i-\mu_k-W_kz_i\|^2-\frac{1}{2}\|z_i\|^2\}.\] Thus \[E_{(y_{ik},z_i)|x_i}(l_k)=\int l_k(y_{ik}, z_i)P(y_{ik}=1,z_i|x_i)d(y_{ik},z_i)=\int l_k(1,z_i)R_{ik}f_{k}(z_i)dz_i.\tag{1.3}\] Denote \(h_k(z_i)=\ln(\pi_k) - \frac{p}{2} \ln(\sigma^2_k) - \frac{1}{2\sigma_k^2}\|x_i-\mu_k-W_kz_i\|^2-\frac{1}{2}\|z_i\|^2\)\(=\ln(\pi_k) - \frac{p}{2} \ln(\sigma^2_k)-\frac{1}{2}z_i^Tz_i - \frac{1}{2\sigma_k^2}\{z_i^TW^TWz_i-2(x_i-\mu_k)^TW_kz_i+ \|x_i-\mu_k\|^2\}.\) Furthermore, \((1.3)\) simplifies as \[E_{(y_{ik},z_i)|x_i}(l_k)= R_{ik} \int h_k(z_i) f_{k}(z_i)dz_i. \tag{1.4}\] \((1.4)\) only involves the posterior first-order moment and second-order moment of \(z_i\) that are denoted by \[\langle z_i\rangle=M_k^{-1}W_k^T(x_i-\mu_k)\] and \[\langle z_iz_i^T\rangle= \sigma^2_kM_k^{-1} +\langle z_i\rangle\langle z_i\rangle^T. \] Similar to (54) in Bishop (1999), we obtain \[E_{(y_i,z_i)|x_i}l = \sum_{k=1}^K E_{(y_{ik},z_i)|x_i}(l_k)= \sum_{k=1}^K R_{ik}\{\ln(\pi_k) - \frac{p}{2} \ln(\sigma^2_k) -\frac{1}{2}\langle z_iz_i^T\rangle - \frac{1}{2\sigma_k^2}(tr(W_k^TW_k\langle z_iz_i^T\rangle)-2(x_i-\mu_k)^TW_k \langle z_i \rangle+\|x_i-\mu_k\|^2)\}.\] Finally, we obtain the Q-function, \[Q(\theta;\theta^{(t)})=\sum\limits_{i=1}^n\sum\limits_{k=1}^KR_{ik}(\theta^{(t)})\{\ln(\pi_k) - \frac{p}{2} \ln(\sigma^2_k) -\frac{1}{2}tr(\langle z_iz_i^T\rangle) - \frac{1}{2\sigma_k^2}(tr(W_k^TW_k\langle z_iz_i^T\rangle)-2(x_i-\mu_k)^TW_k \langle z_i \rangle+\|x_i-\mu_k\|^2)\},\] where \(\langle z_i\rangle\) and \(\langle z_iz_i^T\rangle\) also include \(\theta^{(t)}\).
This step is to maximize the Q-function. Denote \(\theta=(\pi_k, \sigma^2_k, \mu_k , W_k, k\leq K)\), all involved parameters. Since the constraint \(\sum_{k=1}^K \pi_k=1\) is required, we use Langrange method to obtain a new objective function, \[L(\theta, \lambda;\theta^{(t)})=Q(\theta;\theta^{(t)}) + \lambda (1-\sum_{k=1}^K \pi_k).\]
Taking derivative on \(\pi_k, \lambda\), and setting it to zero, we obtain \[\frac{\partial L}{\partial \pi_k}=\sum\limits_{i=1}^n R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)}) \pi_k^{-1} - \lambda=0 \tag{2.2.1}\] \[\sum_{k=1}^K \pi_k=1 \tag{2.2.2}\] Combining \((2.2.1)\) and \((2.2.2)\), we conclude \[\pi_k^{(t+1)} = n^{-1}\sum\limits_{i=1}^n R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)})\] by using the fact that \(\sum\limits_{i=1}^n(\sum\limits_{k=1}^KR_{ik}(\theta^{(t)}))=n.\)
Taking derivative on \(\mu_k\), we have \[\mu_k^{(t+1)}=\frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)})\{x_i - W_k^{(t+1)}\langle z_i\rangle^{(t)}\}}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)})}\]
Taking derivative on \(W_k\) and using scalar-to-Matrix derivative, we get \[\sum\limits_{i=1}^n [R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)}) \{ \langle z_i\rangle (x_i -\mu_k)^T - \langle z_i z_i^T\rangle W_k^T\}]=0\] which leads to \[W_k^{(t+1)}=\sum\limits_{i=1}^n [R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)})(x_i -\mu_k^{(t+1)})\langle z_i\rangle^T] [\sum\limits_{i=1}^n [R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)})\langle z_i z_i^T\rangle]^{-1}. \tag{2.2.3}\]
Denote \(s_{ik}(W_k, \mu_k)=tr(W_k^TW_k\langle z_iz_i^T\rangle)-2(x_i-\mu_k)^TW_k \langle z_i \rangle+\|x_i-\mu_k\|^2\). Taking derivative on \(\sigma^2_i\), we get \[\sigma_k^{2,(t+1)}= \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)}) s_{ik}(W_k^{(t+1)}, \mu_k^{(t+1)})}{p\sum\limits_{i=1}^n R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)})}. \tag{2.2.4}\]
Two-stage EM procedure
Note that M-step equations for \(\mu_i\) and \(W_i\) are coupled, so further manipulation is required to obtain explicit solutions.
The likelihood function we wish to maximize is given by \[L(\theta) =\sum\limits_{i=1}^n \ln \big\{\sum\limits_{k=1}^K \pi_k p(x_i|y_{ik}=1)\big\}.\] Now, we introduce labels \(y_{i}\) as missing data, and ignore the presence of the latent \(z_i\). Here, \(z_i\) is integrated, so only \(y_i\) is missing data. Then the “full” loglikelihood is \[L(\theta; x,y)=\sum\limits_{i=1}^n \sum\limits_{k=1}^K y_{ik}\ln \big\{ \pi_k p(x_i|y_{ik}=1)\big\}.\] Based on this full log likelihood, we will construct EM algorithm. Thus, the expected complete-data log likelihood is given by \[\hat L= \sum\limits_{i=1}^n \sum\limits_{k=1}^K R_{ik}\ln \big\{ \pi_k p(x_i|y_{ik}=1)\big\}, \tag{2.3.1}\] from which we get the updation of \(\pi_k^{(t+1)}\) and \(\mu_k^{(t+1)}\): \[\pi_k^{(t+1)}=n^{-1}\sum\limits_{i=1}^n R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)})\] \[\mu_k^{(t+1)}=\frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)})x_i}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)})}.\] However, we don’t solve \(\sigma_k^2\) and \(W_k\) from \((2.3.1)\), because there is no closed-form in it. Actually, we only need to find \(\sigma_k^{2,(t+1)}\) and \(W_k^{(t+1)}\) increasing \(\hat L(\theta)\). \((2.2.3)\) and \((2.2.4)\) based on \(L(\theta, \lambda;\theta^{(t)})\) regarding \(z_i\) and \(y_i\) as missing data provide the iterative value such that condition.
We update \(W_k\) by \[W_k^{(t+1)}=\sum\limits_{i=1}^n [R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)})(x_i -\mu_k^{(t+1)})\langle z_i\rangle^T] [\sum\limits_{i=1}^n [R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)})\langle z_i z_i^T\rangle]^{-1}.\] and update \(\sigma^2_k\) by \[\sigma_k^{2,(t+1)}= \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)}) s_{ik}(W_k^{(t+1)}, \mu_k^{(t+1)})}{p\sum\limits_{i=1}^n R_{ik}(\theta^{(t)})}.\] So far, each parameter has a iterative closed-form solution.
Convergence check
Since EM algorithm is a subclass of MM algorithm, by the principle of MM algorithm we can check the convergence by the fact that \[g(\theta; \theta^{(t)})\leq L(\theta) ~~ for all~~ \theta\] and \[g(\theta; \theta^{(t)})= L(\theta) ~if~~and ~only~if~ \theta= \theta^{(t)}.\]
Note: g-function is not the Q-function!!!
There are some relation between them.
Thus, we have \[L(\theta^{(t)})=g(\theta^{(t)}; \theta^{(t)})\leq g(\theta^{(t+1)}; \theta^{(t)})\leq L(\theta^{(t+1)}). \tag{2.4.1}\] Recursively, we have \[g(\theta^{(t+1)}; \theta^{(t)}) \leq g(\theta^{(t+2)}; \theta^{(t+1)}). \tag{2.4.2}\] Thus, there are two methods to check the convergence (correction of programming) of algorithm from the aspect of the objective function.
By \((2.4.1)\), we can check whether the value of the observed loglikelihood function is nondecreasing.
By \((2.4.2)\), we can check whether the value of the g-function is nondecreasing.
Check \(dQ=Q(\theta^{t+1};\theta^{(t)})- Q(\theta^{t};\theta^{(t)})\) whether approach 0.
Generalized EM algorithm
We learn the generalized EM algorithm in this section, whose definition is referred to Dempster (1977, JRSSB, EM and GEM). An iterative algorithm \(\theta^{(t+1)}= M(\theta^{(t)})\) is a generalized EM if \[Q(M(\theta); \theta) \geq Q(\theta; \theta).\] So, we only need that \(\theta\) iterates one step towards the nondecreasing direction of \(Q(\theta; \theta^{(t)})\). MM algorithm is an extension of GEM in the sense that Q-function is changed to 1)Minorization function, i.e. \(L(\theta) \geq Q(\theta; \theta^{(t)})\) and 2)equality holds iif \(\theta=\theta^{(t)}\).
Assume \(\{y_i,i\leq n\}\) is the observed data, \(\{z_i,i\leq n\}\) the latent variable, and we are interested in parameter \(\theta\).
Following the principle of EM algorithm, the complete-data log likelihood is given by \[l(\theta; Y,Z)=\sum_i \ln (P(y_i,z_i; \theta)).\] Next, according the posterior distribution of \(z_i\) given \(y_i\), \(P(z_i|y_i;\theta)\), we take conditional expectation on \(z_i\) for \(l(\theta;Y,Z)\) to obtain Q function. However, it is often difficult to calculate \(P(z_i|y_i;\theta)\) in practice, which leads to that EM algorithm fails. In this backgroud, GEM is developed to solve this problem.
First, we inspect the another derivation of EM algorithm, \[\ln P(Y;\theta)=\ln P(Y,Z;\theta)-\ln P(Z|Y;\theta)=\ln \frac{P(Y,Z;\theta)}{q(Z)} - \ln \frac{P(Z|Y;\theta)}{q(Z)}, \tag{3.1}\] where \(q(Z)\) is the density function of \(Z\) and is a unknown function to be optimized. Taking expectation with respect to \(Z\) on both sides of \((3.1)\), we have \[\ln P(Y;\theta)=\sum_zq(z)\ln \frac{P(Y,z;\theta)}{q(z)}-\sum_zq(z)\ln \frac{P(z|Y;\theta)}{q(z)},\] where the first term is called evidence lower bound (ELBO), and the second term is KL divergence of \(P(Z|Y,\theta)\) and \(q(Z)\). That is \[ELBO = \sum_zq(z)\ln \frac{P(Y,z;\theta)}{q(z)}\] and \[KL(q(Z)\|P(Z|Y,\theta))=\sum_zq(z)\ln \frac{P(z|Y;\theta)}{q(z)}.\] Thus, we obtain \[\ln P(Y;\theta) = ELBO + KL(q(Z)\|P(Z|Y,\theta)). \tag{3.2}\] Recalling EM algorithm, paramter \(\theta\) is fixed at E-step, so \(\ln P(Y;\theta)\) is constant here. Thus, the optimized solution of \(q(z)\) is equal to \(P(z|y;\theta)\) as much as possible. By this way, the E-step of GEM turns to \[\arg\max_{q(z)}ELBO\] due to \[\arg\min_{q(z)}KL(q(z)\|P(z|Y=y,\theta)) \Leftrightarrow \arg\max_{q(z)}ELBO\] by the fact that \(KL(q(Z)\|P(Z|Y,\theta))=\ln P(Y;\theta) - ELBO\).
And the M-step of GEM is \[\theta = \arg\max_\theta ELBO(\theta).\] In summary, GEM algorithm is given by \[E-step:~~ q(z)^{(t+1)}=\arg\max_{q(z)} \sum_zq(z)\ln \frac{P(Y,z;\theta^{(t)})}{q(z)}; \tag{3.3}\] \[M-step:~~\theta^{(t+1)}=\arg\max_\theta \sum_zq(z)^{(t+1)}\ln \frac{P(Y,z;\theta^{(t)})}{q(z)^{(t+1)}}. \tag{3.4}\] Given inital value \(\theta^{(0)}\), then repeat \((3.3)\) and \((3.4)\) until convergence. Actually, GEM algorithm belongs to the class of coordinate ascent algortihm, that is, EBLO is a bivariant function on \(q(z)\) and \(\theta\); first, we optimize \(q(z)\) given \(\theta\); then we optimize \(\theta\) given \(q(z)\).
Remark 1: q(z) is also a parameter joining in iteration.
Remark 2: GEM does not involve computing P(z|y;\theta).
Remark 3: In practice, we assume a parametric form for q(z) to approximate P(z|Y;\theta),
then optimize the parameter in iteration, which is called
variational Bayesian EM algorithm.
See https://mbernste.github.io/posts/elbo/ for more details about GEM and ELBO. Why ELBO is called evidence lower bound? Since, given \(\theta\), \(\ln P(Y;\theta)\) is called evidence, which indicates the evidence of model fitting data by taking \(\theta\). By Jensen inequality, we have \(\ln P(Y;\theta) \geq ELBO\), a lower bound of envidence, so ELBO is called envidence lower bound.
MM algorithm: EM as a special case
Assume \(f(x; \theta)\) is observerd density function, then \[\ln f(x;\theta)- \ln f(x;\theta^{(t)}) = \ln \frac{\int f(x,z;\theta)dz}{ f(x;\theta^{(t)})}\hat = I_1,\] where \(z\) is a latent variable or missing data. Furthermore, we obtain \[I_1 = \ln \int\frac{ f(x,z;\theta)}{ f(x,z;\theta^{(t)})} f(z|x;\theta^{(t)})dz = \ln E_{z|x;\theta^{(t)}} \left(\frac{ f(x,z;\theta)}{ f(x,z;\theta^{(t)})} \right).\] By Jesen inequality, we have \[I_1 \geq E_{z|x;\theta^{(t)}} \ln \left(\frac{ f(x,z;\theta)}{ f(x,z;\theta^{(t)})} \right),\] where the equality holds iif \(\theta=\theta^{(t)}\). Thus, we get \[\ln f(x;\theta) \geq E_{z|x;\theta^{(t)}}\ln f(x,z;\theta) - E_{z|x;\theta^{(t)}}\ln f(x,z;\theta^{(t)}) + \ln f(x;\theta^{(t)}).\] The minorization function \[g(\theta; \theta^{(t)})= E_{z|x;\theta^{(t)}}\ln f(x,z;\theta) + C(\theta^{(t)}),\] where \(C(\theta^{(t)})\) is a constant independent of \(\theta\). Thus, we only require to maximize the posterior expectation of \(z\) on full-data loglikelihood, and EM algorithm is a special case of MM algorithm.
Alternative drivation of MM algorithm
Actually, Q function is increased in iteration, which refers to \[Q(\theta^{(t+1)};\theta^{(t)}) \geq Q(\theta^{(t)}; \theta^{(t)}),\] rather than \[Q(\theta^{(t+2)};\theta^{(t+1)}) \geq Q(\theta^{(t+1)}; \theta^{(t)}),\] which is false.
We know observed loglikelihood \[\log P(Y;\theta)= \log P(Y,Z;\theta) - \log P(Z|Y;\theta),\] so take expectation of \(Z\) conditional on \(Y\) given \(\theta^{(t)}\), \[\log P(Y;\theta) = Q(\theta;\theta^{(t)}) - H(\theta;\theta^{(t)}),\] where \(H(\theta;\theta^{(t)})= \int P(Z|Y;\theta^{(t)})\log P(Z|Y;\theta)\). Thus, \[\log P(Y;\theta) - \log P(Y;\theta^{(t)}) =\{Q(\theta;\theta^{(t)})-Q(\theta^{(t)};\theta^{(t)})\} + \Delta H(\theta;\theta^{(t)}),\] where \(\Delta H(\theta;\theta^{(t)})=-H(\theta;\theta^{(t)}) + H(\theta^{(t)};\theta^{(t)})\), which is the KL-divergence of \(P(Z|Y;\theta)\) and \(P(Z|Y;\theta^{(t)})\) and non-negative, equal zero if and only if \(\theta=\theta^{(t)}\).
Therefore, \[\log P(Y;\theta) \geq \log P(Y;\theta^{(t)}) +\{Q(\theta;\theta^{(t)})-Q(\theta^{(t)};\theta^{(t)})\}\] Let \(g(\theta; \theta^{(t)})=\log P(Y;\theta^{(t)}) +\{Q(\theta;\theta^{(t)})-Q(\theta^{(t)};\theta^{(t)})\}\), which is the minorization function of \(l_{obs}(\theta)=\log P(Y;\theta)\).
By MM principle, we have \[l_{obs}(\theta^{(t+1)})\geq g(\theta^{(t+1)}; \theta^{(t)})\geq g(\theta^{(t)}; \theta^{(t)})=l_{obs}(\theta^{(t)}).\]
ECM algorithm
ECM algorithm is also an extension of EM algorithm, which solves the computation problem in M-step and has good convergence properties.
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